"Who the Frak" - First Reality Drama Social Network.CastSeries (1) Richard Hatch,Michael Wehrhahn,Paul Hatch,Derek Conley,Jean WilliamsNow that Battlestar is over, Sci Fi Legend Richard Hatch is re-defining his life as an actor, producer, director, life coach and father. During his travels on the road with his friends (Michael Wehrhahn, Jean Williams and Derek Conley) and some times his son (Paul Hatch), Richard takes the road to a very familiar but unknown journey. Traveling the world through scifi reality of conventions ,cruise ships and box office events, meeting with some of the zaniest of people. Richards emotionally energized rollercoaster ride outside the business of Hollywood and what his daily routines are as he travels with his crew and co stars, trying to hold on to a relationship as well as friendships in this crazy and bazaar lifestyle. WebisodesMerchandiseDVD'sNow available on APPLE TELEVISION Instagram has gain recognition among social media marketing outlets. It is now an important component of our everyday life. It’s renowned function, the Instagram Stories enable you to upload your way of life either in picture or video. There are man...
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